Is Lockdown The Only Way To Fight COVID-19?


I understand that coronavirus or COVID-19 is highly contagious. It is a dreaded disease for which the necessity to maintain social distancing occurs. However, life has become a standstill, and it has to lead to frustration and a negative impact. Instead of lockdown, I feel each person needs to undergo a test with an instruction that no one should take paracetamol. Only those people who pass the test should move out. What's your thought on that?

1 Answer

Lockdown is not a permanent solution to fight with Covid 19 but Government know that if they open everything so it  may be happed that will find 50K + Covid positive cases in a Day and our health sector will not able to fight with this condition so that is only reason Now government open one by one some important service sectors as well as continue the lockdown so after some time number of cases will decrease and will win this fight.

I Support PM Modi.

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